My 6 yr old son starting itching around his private area so I started A & D ointment. I looked behind his ears and saw that his skin looked a litttle irritated and applied it there as well. After about a week, I called his dr because they both seemed to not clear or dry up. She prescribed him nystatin, she said that it might be a yeast infection. It's been a week or more now and it is worse. It seems as if it has spread a lot in both areas. Is it the Nystatin thats making it worse, should I ask her to prescribe another product, or is it a simple fix that I am overlooking? Please help me. Also, not sure if this can help the answer but she had to do a blood culture on him and she said she has to retest because his white blood cell count is really low. She said his iron is a little low as well and he has a sickle cell trait.