My health has been fine until I bumped heads on Sunday. Immediately my head swelled and I had shooting pain. Within 10 minutes the swelling went down and the pressure, pain, and nauseau kicked in. I took a nap for an hour. I couldn t keep my eyes open. Light and sound were overwhelming and the pressure I felt all over my face and head were too much. I figured a shower, tylenol , and bed would resolve everything by morning. I woke up in the morning with a splitting headache and it was hard to focus. I was typing for someone and saw the words were jumbled in the sentence. I apparently was speaking very softly and people said I was mumbling my response. My boss advised seeking medical attention. I went to an urgent clinic. I was told my ct scan came back clear. They said to stop with the tylenol. I was prescribed fiorocet for inflammation supposedly, but the pharmacist said it.s not an uninglammatory. I can make it about 3 hours with the splitting headache while on fiorocet and then I have to go to bed. I have noticed sporadically I feel hot like I have a fever . But I again was fine prior to bumping my head. I don t think I could possibly be sick. The throbbing headache just seems to be getting worse. Help.