Hello, g,
I am not quite sure about your description of swelling under the liver.
If you or the doctor were able to feel the edge of the liver under the
rib cage, that may mean a swollen or enlarged liver.
You also mention fluctuating liver enzymes. If you are having pain
in the right upper abdomen, nausea,
vomiting, fever or chills, you have
to have a sonogram of the liver and
gallbladder to rule out gallstones
fatty liver which can cause enzyme elevations.
"Gastric problem " usually refers to stomach. Some of the medications,
prescription drugs or even over the counter drugs can affect the liver.
Alcohol can damage the liver.
Viral Hepatitis , especially Types-B & C .
can cause chronic liver condition with abnormal enzymes. You need to be
screened for those as well.
It would be nice to know the actual results of all the blood tests, any
x-rays or sonogram done, so we can comment on it a little more.
I would suggest that when you talk to your doctor again, ask him more
I wish you well.