Hi, I tripped and fell on my right knee. It swelled up the size of a baseball, immediately. Mild bruising localized to the knee cap fist day, but each day since, the bruising has spread, deep purple-ish red around the entire knee, and then on the side of my ankle (which wasn't injured??) as if a blood vessel leaked down there. then the entire top of the leg and foot, from the knee down, is now yellowish (like a healing bruise). also some dark discoloration around the back of the knee (after I had used a methylsalycilate muscle rub and an ace bandage, several times). No pain at all (except the initial fall for about an hour), but when I have had it elevated and then go to walk (limp) on it, it starts to hurt from the weight of my thigh pressing down on the remaining small bit of soft swelling on top of the kneecap.
I can bend it almost at a ninety degree angle and it's been 8 days since the fall. Most of the bruising is starting to turn yellow (except for the deeply purple-red part). For the first four days, I took aspirin every six hours, so could that be why it's bleeding/bruising under the skin and spread from one localized area to the entire leg from the kneecap down to the foot? should I be worried, could I get a dislodged blood clot from this, or could my kneecap be permanently damaged?
Ps....I had to move some heavy boxes and was on my feet, which both were really hurting and aching, for 5 hours, 3 days after the injury. After I had done this, I looked down and noticed the dark red/purple bruise on the side of my ankle, near the bottom of my foot and almost wrapping around my achilles. I'm thinking this is the cause of the foot bruise: "pressure on the foot and standing too long".