Hello my name is Katelyn and I am 20 years old. I have recently seen the Doctor due too swollen lymph nodes in my neck that are painless, and what I though to be large. I had blood work done, and it came back normal, and I had an ultra sound done, which also came back normal. What I am concerned about however, is this mass/lump located above jawline, and under earlobe . Its hard and does not move. It is located on both sides of my head/neck but is more prominent on ride side. It doesn t hurt, and when I asked my Doctor what it was he said ohhh that s just bone. I also asked the lady who did my ultra sound, and she said she didn t see anything. Idk I just wanted another professional opinion, nobody I know has this. I am fairly thin, so I do not know if that s why i can feel it and nobody else can. Please respond, as I am very stressed about this. Thank you so much for your time, I look forward to your response, Katelyn