I have a swollen papillae at the back right side of my tongue . I also feel pain in the same side of my throat especially when I swallow. I have no fever or any other symptoms . Please help . I have seen a similiar question for which Dr. Hariom Sharma has suggested it could be Glossitis with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
My symptoms are quite similar to the post with some variance.
P.S - I have consulted with a Dentis, for which he was suggesting me to do a Biopsy. Although i dont like his idea as he says he has to stitch my tongue for that,Personally i dont feel that i should do as it doesnot pain much and very small on the right side of my tounge way inside my mouth.
1) It is located all the way in the back of my tongue exactly in the right side of it . I noticed it yesterday
2) the pain in my right side of my throat started a week a ago
3) the pain is not intense , like a 2. Only one sided . Feels like a sorethroat but only at the right side
4) I haven't done any testing yet
5) I have never felt or seen this before .
Only thing that I had before that is close to this was reddish top of my tongue with inflamed taste buds in the right and left side of the top of my tongue . I had this about 2 months ago.. It went away on its own .I went to see a doctor , she said that looked little dehydrated and that I should be drinking a lot of water .. She did advise me to do my yearly check up , which I have scheduled in 4 weeks.
6) No pain in any part if my tongue
7) That part of tongue is reddish ( around the swelling is red , the color around it is stronger than the other part of the tongue)
8) I was a smoker a year back , but never smoke more than 4 a day. Now a social smoker. and i am also a social drinker with once in a month or once in two months.
9) The right side of the thoroat do pain a little, and i do feel a little breathing problem for same. As mentioned earlier, their is a burning sensation just down under my throat feels like choking, but no severe.
10) Earlier i had this a month back but it went after i was on some Bcomplex tablets and some mouth wash.It was cured but again it has come back and its been almost 8 days no sign of going.