I sprained my ankle in Dec,2011. at that time there wasn t much pain so i continued walking like normal but after a week it was increased,so i went to a doctor, he gave some pain killers he didn t even say to rest and i did wat he said but my pain was increased and i got pain in nerves from foot to knee i consulted a neurologist he gave medicines so i stopped those pain killers to start these and the day i stopped taking a pain killer the actual pain showed up i couldn t put my right foot on the floor so i got to take rest for a week then i consulted an orthopedic doctor , got x-ray , blood test, MRI scan , he gave some antibiotics and said there was an infection but my pain was still there. meanwhile, i took rest for a month and the pain was decreased but didn t go away. i finally consulted another lady doctor. she gave medicines for a week and said to use belt to support ankle. i used it 4-5 months. the pain has gone but whenever i walk for long distances i get some pricking pain in my ankle and recently i got a blister like thing with a slight swell under the skin near the injured area i get pain only when i press that. is it serious ?what should i do? please reply