I took sulfamethtrimethopine for 7 days for an UTI. About the 5th day I still felt like I had an infection. The Dr. Told me to come in Mon. For urinalysis. My last dose was on Thurs. And I started breaking out with hives all over my chest, arms, stomach, upper thighs, hands. I went to the ER that night because I was in severe pain & horrendous itching. The rash spread to my lips right inside and outside of my mouth. I started developing a fever blister. I was having chest pains, too. They gave me an adrenalin shot, IV with meds and a shot of steroids. I didn't even tell the ER DR. about The Sulpha drug because I have never had anything like this and foolishly thought if I took a drug & finished it, there wouldn't be a reaction like this. I thought it was a new herb I was taking. The ER Dr. put me on Benedryl & 40 milligrams of steroids for five days. On Friday I started breaking out with more hives, it covered my scalp all the way to my calves and my lips started swelling again. I went to a clinic on Sat. & the DR. In that office asked me if I had taken any antibiotics & I said yes. She asked what the name was & when I told her she said I was having a bad reaction to the Sulpha. She gave me a steroid shot, Benadryl shot and a prescript. for ATERAX. Almost 4 days out & I am still having hives break out all over. My hands & thighs & calves are the worst right now. My hands were itching for days & now the have kind of blister/hives on the back of my hand & fingers that are causing them to burn & swell up. If the emergency room wasn't so expensive I'd be there tonight. I was having extreme heartburn & my lips are starting to swell some with a burning sensation. Could this be Steve Johnson Syndrome? Do the have a test for it. I don't know what to take for severe pain. I have some hydrocodone but I don't know if it would be ok because it has NSAIDs in it?
I am running a low grade fever of 99.9-100.6.