Hello, Doctor. My girlfriend has been taking Jazz (Bayern) for 4 months already. She is 20. That was a recipe from the doctor,- to get rid of acne and skin problems. She's feeling alright an she got used to it. At first she had some problems with the mood, but now it's ok. I'm a little worried by the information I read on the websites about this particular product. We made a blood analysys after 1 month of taking, then after three months of taking it.
Prothrombin was 90,88, has become 85,20
MNO was 1,01, has become 1,08
We also made a genetic analysis and it said she was inclined to having blood clots (genetically) but doctors say there's no worry now, because it may reveal only after she is 35.
What should we do? Continue taking them (and how long), or stop taking them? Is this analysis enough to be sure of her health? Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to receiving the answer to my question.