please do not fall for the ads which are shown on tv on internet, if it was so easy to lose weight just by taking
slimquick tablets ,they would be making billions and billions of dollars. obesity is major problem everywhere now since you have not mentioned anything about your height and weight i will give you some general guide lines to lose weight
diet contributes around 70 percent in weight reduction , and only 30 percent is by exercise.
so reducing calorie intake should be your main concern and also exercise
your daily calorie intake should be (your height in cms) - 100 x20 equals your caloric intake daily.
now 40 percent of the total kcal you should consume for breakfast, then 30 percent for lunch and dinner.
now if you check the internet and search for calorie chart you will find a table by using which you yourself can calculate your diet chart ,just do not cross the calorie i have mentioned for each meal.
addition to this drink a glass full of water just before starting a meal , eat lot of fruit and vegetable but within total calory limit per day, avoid banana, mango and other high calory fruits and vegetable
if you are non vegetarian do not eat red meat, eat only lean meat and avoid eating curry it contains lot of fat.
if you are still unable to lose weight i suggest you go to dietitian. he will discuss with you your like and dislike and make a diet chart for you
thank you