Hi, Welcome to Health care magic forum.
The tablets metatime 500 is the
metformin,used for diabetis controle, and poly cystic ovarian syndrome causing
irregular periods.
If it is prescribed after the confirmation of the P.C.O.S,you will get the relief from the irregular periods.
Meta time is used in case of
obese persons for controle, but you states you are gaining weight ,so the reason might be some thing else like change in food habbits, and sluggish life.
The other reasons for the irregular periods may be the
anemia, and infection.
I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms
ornidazole,and hematinics.
Take more of green leafy vegetables,pulses,sprouts, and protein rich foods to have good health and resistance.
Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.