Hello, I am a 16 yer old female with hereditary Hyperhidrosis of my entire body. This disorder has been evident ever since i was 5 and has worsened as the years have gone by. In August 2010 I followed through with an endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy procedure which has completely cured the sweating of my hands, however my body still sweats just as bad as it always has. I have tried every decent treatment that has been offered including beta blockers, to natural sage remedies. Healthy eating, regular exercise,and positive thinking just doesn t cut it for me, i need something extreme to stop the force of my sweating. This disorder has burdened my life to the point where I had to leave school and take up homeschooling. I don t have a job and can t see myself ever being in the workforce. I have chronic depression , paranoia , and anxiety . I don t leave the house because of this or see anyone, I m far too ashamed of the obvious sweat dripping from my body every minute of the day. Hyperhidrosis has always controlled me and set me back with so many things I ve wanted to do in life. My social life existed only when alcohol was included, as this was the only time it would temporarily relieve me of the sweating. I used to be so upset over it i would contemplate suicide but i m not willing to leave this beautiful world so i dropped out of it socially. Sorry to leave you with my gloomy life story but i m so desperate to be free d from this and i would be so appreciative of any feedback. I was wondering whether you knew of any life changing treatments for this disorder? Medications that include aluminium chloride would not be an option as I have heard about a link to Alzheimers caused by it. Do have any direction or advice for what step I should take next? Thanks.