Hello , im a 16 year old African American Male, and i dont know whats wrong with me. About 3 years ago, i had a pain in my left testicle , mostly in the testicular cord, but it still was a pain i was worried about. I remember when i was in the shower and i hit it downwards by accident and there was a really sharp pain there. The pain came and went then me and my mom went to the doctors and they asked if the pain was occurring at the moment and i said no so they said it was ok. But 3 years later, and i havent had a check up with a doctor since then the pain has come back. But in my right testicle. I m really worried simply because i fear i may have cancer and it may be too late to try and treat it. It may be stress because 2 days after the check up i had with the doctors, my mother passed away. But the pain came on September 3rd around 12am. It was baring, but it was really uncomfortable. I had trouble falling asleep I also had pain in the two sides of the ribs. Now being 20 days later, the pain has went away but its still there sometimes. Now i have a pain in my chest, under my breast , it feels like i cramp , and when i inhale deeply i can feel it worst also when i cough. Also there was in discomfort in my pelvis area and lower abdomen. Please help me, i m scared for my life.