Hello Hashmi and welcome.
Thank you for your query.
You are a young man. You have informed us about your weight, but to make a correlation and decide whether you have a healthy body mass or not, we need your approximate height.
According to your height and weight we can calculate your
body mass index (BMI). Which helps in assessing the condition you are in now.
Let me provide you with the details on calculating it yourself.
BMI= (weight in kilograms) ÷ [(height in meters) x (height in meters)]
(Note: As most commonly height is measure in centimeters, you can use your height in centimetres and divide it by 100, to get your height in meters.
Example: 178 centimeters = 178/100 = 1.78 meters)
Less than 18.5 = Underwight
18.5 - 24.9 = Normal weight
25 - 29.9 = Overweight
30 and above = Obesity
Example: 62 kilograms ÷ [1.62 x 1.62] = 23.62 (i.e. overweight)
I hope this helps you in calculating which category you belong to. You can always write back to us for further assistance, once you have calculated and found your category.
Next let me discuss the topic on
masturbation. Masturbation is a completely normal activity, and if done in moderation, should not be harmful to any human being practicing it.
You do not need to stop it or 'cure' it, as it is not considered a disease or ailment. Unless this is interfering with your daily routine and causing a drop in performance in your daily activities. You could
consult a psychiatrist to help you curb (distract, or direct elsewhere) your feelings. But, at your age, it is considered normal.
I hope this information has helped you.
Wishing you a beautiful life ahead.