Hi, I m feeling tingling in my inner left tongue & inner sides of my left cheek and bitter taste in my mouth. Before that I had toothache on the upper where there dentist in formed me that I need to extract it out but I was hesitant. So she gave me a temporarily filling to see if it will still be in pain for 2 weeks. Also about a year back I had a root canal done on the lower tooth and there is still some discomfort pain which i can tolerate. Then I regularly have ulcers around my mouth. I went to consult another dentist swho told me that my tooth are fine after an x-ray and suggested that i might have stomach problem. A month ago I had an endoscopy done & an MRI scan (cos of the tongue discomfort and to see if there any nerve problem) It was confirmed that I do have inflammation and MRI scan was all fine. I was given Nexium, klacid , rifampicin & motilium for the inflammation. For my tongue problem, he gave me trileptal as i might have sensitive nerve. He gave me a month s medication and the tingling, bitter taste in my mouth were gone. I ve since stopped but the tingling & bitter taste came back again. What should i do? does stomach inflammation gives this sort of problem? Or should i go see a dentist for this problem?? Would appreciate any suggestions. It s giving sleepless night!