Hello I am Bhavesh Bhimani from India. A 26 year old male from India. My height is 6 feet four inches. In 2008 I had underwent a surgery on my lower back for what the doctor told me as Lumbar Spondylisis .The reason were many as had injured my back twice before this. I haven t had any major side effect ever since except for occasional discomfort in my right leg. Over the years I was completely fine and ran and sat very comfortably, but I ignored the excerecises that I was advised to take from my doctor. Now, from the last one month or so I am having discomfort in my right leg again. The thing is, I recently got a job where I am supposed to sit on a chair all day long. Initially the chair that was given to me was very small and caused me discomfort. I went along with it for about two weeks but after which the discomfort increased. By the time the chair was changed the discomfort has remained ever since. I do not feel acute pain , and even the discomfort comes and goes. It starts with some tingling sensation, some discomfort and no real pain as such. I still walk easily and travel easily. But while sleeping sometimes the discomfort crops up. I am avoiding sleeping on pillows and have started exercising again. I am walking slowly too. Do you think this discomfort can be resolved by the exercises and by showing some physiotherapist . I am scared to go for a surgery again. I repeat I am not having any severe pain as such. But just want the discomfort to go away.