I m 29 yrs old, weight 66kgs,trying to conceive for 3 years. i had a miscarriage an year before in oct 2011 i.e. around 60th day of preg. And now i had a Laproscopy done on september 2012, then was on provera (zendol) pills and birth control pills for 3 months, as i was diagonised with mild (2 very small blue colored) endometriosis cyst and i was told i dont have PCOD, Fibreroids, etc and my uterus, tubes are good . In the month of Dec 2012 i was given letroze from day 2nd to 6th and from day 13th Duphaston pills. But i m on 22nd day of my cycle, i m not sure whether i ovulated. now i have lower back and leg pain as i get before periods. Can i know why this happens?