I appreciate your query.
I assume that you are undergoing
infertility treatment, and that too COH ( controlled ovarian hyperstimulation.)
In this procedure, you are first given gonadotropins ( hormones that cause release of multiple follicles - eggs from your ovaries ). This is the injection Sitrodin as mentioned by you.
Then, when mature follicles ( eggs ) are ready in your ovaries, Injection
HCG is given to cause ovulation - that is rupture of mature egg/eggs from the ovaries.
This is the injection
Fertigyn that you have been advised.
Hence, if you are under treatment of a proper infertility specialist, who has evaluated your case, and decided the need for such a treatment protocol, then you should not worry.
There are side effects to such treatment, but you must go for proper
counselling for the same.
Also, to maximize chances of conception after taking such stimulation, you should go for an IUI ( intra uterine insemination ) also.
Please consult your treating specialist for further information.
You will know the results of the treatment almost two weeks after your IUI.. that is around the date of your next expected period.
All the best.