Hi welcome to healthcare magic , I am sorry about your loss.
Stress can definately cause a delay in your periods and affect your ability to conceive. Other possible causes of delayed period would be : extreme physical activity, inadequate diet,
thyroid disease, PCOS which stands for
polycystic ovarian syndrome - it is associated with delayed periods, cysts in the ovaries, problems producing eggs/
anovulation, resistance to insulin, elevated levels of male hormones which can cause hair to grow in typically male areas of the body such as the face or chest, other
hormonal problems , side effect of medication.
In terms of your
miscarriage , you should speak to your doctor to find out if he or she has any idea what was the issue that resulted in the miscarriage. In some cases it is possible to find out and it may or may not impact on future pregnancies.
Regarding fertility- as stated stress can play a part, the factors are usually divided into male or female factors , though in some instances it is a combination of both. To acheive
pregnancy you need a healthy egg and sperm, open and healthy tubes for the egg to pass through, sperm to be able to travel successfully to meet the egg and
Anything affecting these could result in difficulty conceiving.
You should speak to your doctor regarding your difficulty and let him or her conduct any appropiate investigations.
I hope this information is helpful to you and wish you success in your desire to get pregnant