hi i m 29 years old. and i ve 3 yrs old daughter. she was born in nov 2008. after ths i again conceived in 2009 and had misscarige at 7-8 week. And it was diagnosed as Molar pregnancy by three radiolygist, but after my D&C it was found out to be a normal specimen not Molar after ths i had i year of Follow-up...and everythin just went normal. Then again in June 2011 i conceived, but again on 10 aug 2011 i had a D&C, due to severe bleeding . Now i m pregnant with 7 weeks, bcoz of previous miscarriages doctors have given me Duphaston 10mg (twice a day), Loprin 75mg and Folic acid . do u think its safe to have Duphaston & Loprin. i m really worried plz help me