HI,I am 32 yrs old.My wt is 72kg.my FsH-11.17,Lh-4.15, TSH & prolactin normal at 2nd day of mens.on usg of uterus reports shows-one subserous fibroid(size-2.7cm),one cervical submucous fibroid(size3.6cm)&cyst on rt ovary .after doing laparoscopy &cystescopy one subserous fibroid &cyst from right ovary is removed &found both tubocornual block.doctor said-after giving incision on post fornix found no submucous fibroid,only cervix is hypertrophy.my biopsy is normal.is fibroid causes tubocornual block &cervix hypertrophy?is any homeopathy medication available for tubocornual block or conceiving?