I just got my ultrasound report, it shows that my uterus is 7.7x4.3x.1 cm , anteverted with smooth contour and homogeneous echopattern.My endometrium is 1.2 cm, hyperechoic with intact subendometrial halo compatible with secretory phase. Right ovary measuring 3.4x1.5cm, and left ovary is 3.7x2.5cm both lateral to uterus and both with physiologic follicles. Cervix size is 2.4x1.7cm, closed and homogeneous present with few nabothian cyst. And also with no free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac...
I am almost 7 yrs. in my married life but still have no baby. With the above result, does it shows that I am capable to conceive?