Hi ! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.
Considering all the points in your history, even though this may be a simple case of
hyperacidity or
acid reflux disease, if I were your treating physician, I would have advised you for a thorough cardiac check up in relation to your
shortness of breath and
chest pain. This will include an ECG, and a stress echo if need be.
If the cardiac angle is excluded, then I would have prescribed a
proton pump inhibitor with a prokinetic agent and a
probiotic for you. This will probably will relieve your symptom. Apart from this, some changes in your life style will also be advised, like more of roughage and plenty of liquids in your diet, avoiding fatty,fried,and fast food. A daily routine exercise depending on your medical capacity will also help in relieving your symptom. Also I would advise you to raise the head end of your bed, so that regurgitation will be controlled.
After all these efforts if the condition persists, then I would advise you for an
ultrasound abdomen, and an upper GI endosclpy for further management.
I hope this information will help you in deciding on the further course of action. Thank you for using healthcaremagic for your health information. Good luck.