Based on the information provided that you have some sort of "infection" i.e. UTI
Let me give you some information and what does the test means.
1) Color of urine helps if it appear red it means having some bleeding which dark yellow may be due to
jaundice but your color is PALE YELLOW which is normal
2) Aromatic/specific gravity/transparency are used as measure for some kind of extra stuff in urine.
3)Albumin- its a protein which is present in Urine in case of some
kidney diseases, your report says absent so no major kidney disease present
4)sugar in urine indicates
Diabetes but no sugar found in urine that means no diabetes
5)bile pigments- are
liver salts and secretion mostly present in urine if jaundice you do not have that means no jaundice.
6)Pus cell - are present in case of infection and they are present in your report that means infection present.
7)Red cells - mostly are present in case of any bleeding but sometimes in infection they may be seen
8)cast cells - kidney's old cells which gets removed so new cell can replace it , normally present in urine.
9)crystals- present in urine if chances of getting kidney stones, your report says absent so no chances of kidney stones.
10)Motile ORGANISM : means some infection is present but do not tell what is the name of causative agent.
Now about
pregnancy - NO information is shown in report that you were tested for pregnancy test.
URINE HGC- Is what you are looking to confirm the pregnancy BUT their is no information about "HCG"
hence nothing can be told for sure about YOUR PREGNANCY STATUS.
hope it helps.