My sister, 67, recently broke her hip. A total hip replacement was done last week. She has been in a rehab in Florida. Very agitated, very anxious to get out, go home, etc. Not using good common sense, nor is her husband. Well, last night she got up to use the bathroom, without calling the nurse, and of course, fell and fractured her femur. Her husband said this morning she is back in the ER, and possible surgery. She is recovering from pneumonia since she is in late stage COPD. She also has osterporosis, with 100% chance of fracture. She had to be on the ventilator during hip replacement surgery. I imagine that would happen today. What do you think her chances of any type of recovery are? She could possibly not live through this. I live in Omaha, NE and they are in Florida. I am very upset over all of this, now I feel numb to this whole thing. Thank you. Betty Thomas