Male, Age 21, recently diagnosed with an indirect inguinal hernia . Urethra cultured to confirm pain is from the hernia, and not an STD, or UTI. Still waiting confirmation of results. Sexually active, and condoms have been used every time. Due to pain in pelvic area, the penis has been examined almost everyday. My question is regarding skin texture of penis as a whole and more specifically on the ventral side. The color on my penis ranges from pink to a medium brown (bronze/ tan) to a dark spot that is a birthmark just a few shades darker than the medium brown. By the base of the penis (ventral side); 1/3rd up, there appears to be 6 U shaped pits on Lt side, and 2 U shaped pits on Rt side. Lt side feel palpable. When extending a flaccid penis, there appears to be hair follicles in some of the U shaped pits, and it appears that not all are really pitted but give a circular formation like a sore but made by the veins and or skin folds on a flaccid penis. Not sore, nor red but slightly pinkish when removing stray hairs growing in said area via tweezers. Curious if it is normal and I m overreacting, or a more serious problem. I believe Ive had these before but in fewer amounts: never really thought much about them. A more visible example to the mind may be the skin folds just beneath the head of a flaccid-circumcised penis. The following link is an example. Specifically under the 2 mark, you ll see the circular sore shape.