Hi,Im 30yrs old,and my period is very regular - every 27 - 28 days,usually takes 5 - 6 days.We are trying aprox.7 - 8 months,and this months i had aprox,4 days ( 10 - 11 days past ovulation ) before period light spotting. i ve got my period - on day 28,but period lasted for two days - quite heavy,and then just tiny spotting.Its very unusual for me,as i had always very regular and 5 days period,light spotting was on end,maybe on 6th day.Last two days ( spotting days ) im aswell increadibly tired and sleepy.never had any problems in future,i didnt even take contraception pills.Could i be pregnant? Im not sure if its better to wait few more days or do pregn.test even tomorrow morning.Thank you.