Thirty years ago, I had a gadolinium (contrast dye) injection thru my skin (inside lower left leg, above my ankle) prior to having my C-section done (3rd). The surgeon was concerned because I had had thrombo-phlebitis-worsening during my other pregnancies (as I told him; he was a new doctor to me, as I had just moved to Moses Lake, WA, from Seattle, WA. (That doctor is now dead; I am now 68.) Recently, after taking antibiotics, I have developed thickened skin bumps in that area that look exactly like the pictures shown of NSF. Other doctors have thought this to be dry skin, but I pulled a flake and a large bloody red patch developed. The only thing that has relieved pain is vitamin E squeezed on it from a gel-cap. I cover it with non-stick pads, but it oozes almost clear liquid. I am diabetic 2 on insulin only.