I am 28 years old . I have neuromuscular complaints for 1.5 years. I had been experiencing cramp-like muscle contractions in different parts of my body for 1.5 years.The contractions appeared on fingers,toes,facial or jaw muscles either at rest but mainly upon exertion,and were sustained for a few seconds.They have been persstent without any fluctations and i find them very distracting.My neurological exam did not show any signs of a peripheral or central nervous system involvement.Nerve conduction studies were normal.My EMG,although not conclusive,was suggestive of a peripheral nerve hyperexcitabilty syndrome.
The result of potassium channel antibody essay was also positive and indicated that i have an antibody which is causing my peripheral nerves to be slightly excitable,and making my muscles stiff. The level of this antibody is elevated but only mildly so.
The blood test results were also in normal levels.
What do you suggest me to do in order to treat this disease ?