Hi, thanks for the query. Based on the symptoms you described; its not possible definitely rule in or rule out whether you are suffering from
schizophrenia. Can you describe in detail what do you mean by feeling paranoid? As per ICD-10 (a diagnostic system to diagose & classify all diseases designed by WHO); a person is said to have a definitive diagnosis of schizophrenia when he has 1 months of continuous symptoms of 3rd person auditory
hallucinations of commenting, discussing variety, delusions of thought insertion, withdrawal, broadcast, thought being spoken aloud (thought echo), bizarre delusions, persistent hallucinations coming from a body part/other modality; apathy, social withdrawal, severe difficulty articulating thoughts properly (formal
thought disorder) etc. Some substance intoxication like
amphetamine, cannabis etc. also mimic schizophrenia symptoms temporarily. Hence, we need to rule out these things before coming to any conclusions. What medications you are on? are there any side effects? Please revert back to me for a more definitive diagnosis & further management. Good Luck