Uses of methylprednisolone:
Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive , status asthmaticus acute
spinal cord injury ,
lupus nephritis ,
aplastic anemia , pneumocystitis, sinusitis , life threatening shock, croup .
Dosage available in 4, 8 16 mg as oral tablets .
Side effects are: Edema,
hypertension , arrhthymias, CNS, ENDOCRINE & meatabolic & G I effects.Hirsutism,acne, skin atrophy, arthralgia, fracture ,osteoporosis , glaucoma , infections, hyper sensitivity reactions, necrosis .hiccups.
As far as known to me this don't causes any increase in sexual drive DIRECTLY , however through endocrine effects may change in sexual acts.
Till there is no scientific study about this.