I have allergies. currently taking cingular at night & zertech in the morning. Plus an inhaler as needed. today they seem much worse than usual. I cannot have my dogs near me with out having difficulty breathing. I have pain in my upper/inner chest area with a heaviness . It is uncomfortable when I breath. I feel like something is agitating the back of my throat (like a post nasal drip or a hair type feeling) but my nasal cavities are clear. My nose is so clear & dry that I sometimes have a bloody nose, so i do not think it is post nasal drip. Also the mucus or secretion comes up into my lower part of my throught when i cough, indicating it is coming from my lungs instead of my sinuses (but i could be wrong, thats just what it feels like). It is extremely thick and feels like I cant clear it & it makes me gag. drinking water helps a little. The ammounts I gag on are extremely small and insignificant looking, but it always feels like i cant catch my breath and breath through it. Its very hard to cough up and remove from my airway. In addition, my main concerns are I have severe head ache every time I cough, I also have been gushing small tiny amounts of urine every time i cough, and my back (lower mid back or upper lower back) just below my ribs, about where my kidneys sit hurts. It almost feels like someone bashed them in with a brick on both sides. I have recently taken 2 extra strength tylenol gel caps and some benedryl D and it has helped a little. My inhaler seems to be no help today (and I have been taking my cingular and zertec regularly)