Hi, For the past few weeks I noticed that it burned when I wiped after using the bathroom, but thought nothing of it thinking it was a cut from shaving in that area. I went to the beach for all of last week and was fine until the second last day when I suddenly got a fever and suffered from fatigue and aches. That past in 24 hours, but a couple of days later it was particularly painful to wipe. I investigated further and felt a bump. When I looked I saw two small canker sore-like legions on the right side of my inner labia minora. Naturally, I am FREAKING OUT. It doesn't hurt to walk or sit, only chafes a little. Over the past couple of days they seem to have grown larger and patched over with skin. I am prone to canker sores in my mouth and am, therefore, quite familiar with their process. The "sores" on my labia seem to be following the exact pattern of a healing canker sore, but I know I can't be sure until being checked out. As for my history: I haven't been sexually active in over 5 months. I'm a virgin; however, I have had oral sex performed on me twice, once by my high school boyfriend (he was also a virgin) and then by a guy I met in college (who mentioned beforehand he had never done it before). I feel like it's pretty unlikely that it's an STD, and since I've been reading around, I've found that many women suffer from these "sores" or the likes, have them tested, and see negative results. I have a doctor's appointment next week and am anxious to get some answers sooner. Please help!!! Thanks :(