Dear Doctor.
Below is my Medical Summary:
Age 31 Y
Sex: Male
Progress Notes:
HTN (-) DM (-)
H/o left cervical caseating Lymphadenitis + PT - -> S/P ATT 3 yrs ago, took ATT for 1 year
Very brief palpitations of 2-3 minutes on and off 4 yrs with dizzy feeling.
Palpitation goes away with deep breathing
No h/o prolonged palpitation needing medications
TMT Oct 10: Bruce 8 min 9 mets 91% THR, -ve for ischemia/arrhythmia
RPT Holter(27.12.2010): Seven short run of narrow QRS tachycardia-- > regular at 220/min, max for 3 min or so Euthyroid status.
Came for routine review:
Brief palpitations 2-3 minutes
Had palpitation on (17.05.2011)
Holter Min 34/min at 2:30 AM, Max 200/min
Regular narrow QRS tachycardia initiated by 3 VPCs (triplet) at 200/min, no definite P waves, fixed rate + Abrupt termination
? AVNRT,? Orthodromic AVRT (concealed pathway)
T.Seloken XL 50 mg 1-0-0 ( to be stopped 5 days prior to EP study)
1% risk of CHB explained.
Should i proceed with EP in 2d or 3d. My previous Doctor ask me to implant a Pacemaker without an EP study . makes me confused. if so which pacemaker is good for my condition . waiting for your advice.