victoria goodlad 5ft 4 12stone 11.
To Whom it May Concern
I am a 27 year old woman whos just been diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder by a neurologist. Ive still got to wait to have an MRI scan done on the spine in the next month but the neurologist is very confident that this is the condition i have.
I have been very ill with these symptoms which have slowly just started to detieriorate since May and havent been at work for the last month. Symptom wise i get severe weakness on the whole left side of the body and pins and needles, severe lower back pain with muscle wasting, swelling in the back of the neck, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, headaches. Sometimes the pins and needles, pain and weakness spreads to all my limbs on both sides of my body. Ive had some unexpected falls aswel where my legs and back giveway. i also get muslce spasms. My gp back in June beleived i had a herniated disc in L4 or L5 so sent me to pysio. She said my back was extremly tight and could feel the muscles going into spasm severly when manipulating the muscles. I only had one session before the gp decided i needed to see a neurologist.
The neurologist i saw wasnt extremly helpful and gave me little advice on the condition. I know its a term for an umbrella of symptoms where tests come back normal but the symptoms are still very much there. He refused to give me pain relief as he said pills aernt the answer and wouldnt give me any advice on how i can get myself returned to work.
The neurologist didnt examine my neck, eyes or back and the consultation was only 15 minutes. This was meant to be an urgent apointment. i cant help but feel from these symptoms that thi can be functional. Is it worth me getting a second opinion?