I strained my neck in March. Prior to then I was a fit 36 year old female with no neck or back complaints. My MRI shows 1 bulging disc with subtle mass effect on the ventral side of the spinal cord and 2 mild protrusions, one of which has mild mass effect. For the past 4 months I've had parastesia in my left arm with my pinky and ring finger becoming numb intermittently. My neck feels incredibly weak and at work I have to prop it up with a pillow. I have seen 2 orthopeodic Dr's who prescribed PT. I completed one month of PT but had started experiencing an increase in shooting nerve pains at night so moved to an osteopathic PT who performs osteopathic massage. That has helped some but neck weakness has not changed much. I've seen a physiatrist who recommended trigger point injections and a neurosurgeon who thinks the weakness is due to the osteoarthritis on my MRI. I'm not convinced that symptoms of osteoarthritis would come on that quickly and I'm concerned that what I'm experiencing is the beginnings of Myelopathy. I've had an EMG in my left arm and no pinching of the nerve was found. I've been down the fibromyalgia road but because I can affect my pain at night by sitting upright in bed, I feel the pain is positional and probably due to expansion and movement of the discs which are touching my spinal cord. During the day I sometimes feel burning in my hands and feet or a prickly sensation. All my Dr's have been somewhat dismissive of the MRI findings but it seems to me that if I have anything making contact with my spinal cord, and symptoms of nerve compression, aren't I in danger of permanent nerve damage? Trying to seek the right course of action. Thanks.