Hi, welcome to our site. I am Dr Saumya Mittal.
Read your query. That is a very significant question and i appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query
there are many issues here that you need to see
first, does he have gastroenteritis? if he does you need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible so he can be initiated on antibioitcs.
second, are his sugars well controlled? if they are high, he may be in a state called as diabetic
ketoacidosis, where sugars are really high and patient has abdominal discomfort and is triggered by infections and dehydration
third, get an ecg for him, and a
stress echo would be better still. the reason is simple. he is a diabetic and may be developing coronary
artery disease. and this needs to be ruled out. the abdominal discomfort may be atypical sign of CAD and loosemotions are known in some patients of CAD.
if only water is coming in stools, why is he given laxatives? ask your dr that.
suggest cbc, fbs, ppbs, ech, chest
x ray, and kft as soon as possible
I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above so i can be of help further. Best of luck.
I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you.
Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination.
Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.
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