My vision has been peculiar since my daughter is two and half now. I had a sudden increase in floaters my first mont of pregnancy they've never gone away. Additionally my depth perception is off this has gotten worse over time. A very troubling problem is that sometimes what I see directly in front of me is missing or moving so if I am looking at my daughters face I may only see her nose, then only her mouth, then only her eye and sometimes they merge the two eyes will look like one....and sometimes I see a third eye. It doesn't stay like this its constantly shifting. I have had a similar problem reading where words just seem to dance around. Obviously its disturbing to me. I was told it was probably a migraine but it never stops and I don't have a head ache and I have had three years. Any suggestions. I have a PET, an EEG, an EMG and they were all normal as were my vision tests.
I am 27, 5 1, 145 lbs. I may have had a head injury in childhood because I have unaccounted for bone fractures on x-rays. I have had exposure to Lyme disease but my lyme disease test is negative. I have had a migraine with aura...but only one. I also develop seizure like attacks which wasn't confirmed with EEG during an attack but was witnessed in a hospital and they believed it was a seizure but I do not have epilepsy.