My son (age 5) was diagnosed with pink eye on Sunday; he took Tobrex, which has cleared his eyes. Yesterday he got small hives on his face, arms and legs... his ped believes it was an allergic reaction. We gave him Benadryl and the rash is gone. However, he has continued to have congestion, low grade fevers (in the evenings), little appetite, and is pretty lethargic (sometimes bursts of energy, followed by long naps... he usually does not nap). Today, my younger son (age 3) was sent home from school. He is also VERY lethargic. He as slept most of the afternoon (usually does not take naps). He, too, seems to have a very low grade fever (in the 99 range) and has no appetite. He also has a mild cough and congestion which just started. Any ideas? Could this be mono?