Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
It is good that the
biopsy of the
cervix and the uterus are normal, Ferrosulphate with
Folic acid and Orflaz Kit suited her well, but started with frequent motion with
Sporlac tablet.
The basis of medical management is that whenever there is any doubt the first thing is to stop the medicine, Sporlac in your wife's case.
Stop Sporlac and see if the loose stools stop; this is wonderful as this is a
probiotic and usually given in loose stools and with antibiotics.
It is possible that even Ferrosulphate and Orflaz is more legible to cause frequent and loose stool.
If the stool becomes normal after stoppage of Sporlac or any other medicines the cause is known.
Yet to be on a safer side send the stool sample for tests so that further management can be done if there is any infection.
It is also possible that infection with water or anything that she ate also can cause such symptoms. And if suspected so may also need an active treatment.
I hope this answer helps your wife to have solved problem.