Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. The headache with palpitations, constant fatigue could be due to
Stress related tension headache
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Tension headache is one of the most common headache. It is usually holocranial, dull aching, gives band like sensation around forehead, increases with mental/physical stress/bright light.
If your headache is similar, you can treat it by following few tips
: Avoid mental/physical stress
: Maintain 8 hour sleep routine
: Avoid bright sunlight/any other bright light.
: If you use glasses, wear it while reading/writing
: Exercise daily
: Take a break from work and do some fun activities
: You can take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription
: Heart palpitation will subside along with it. If still no relief, you can get ECG done to rule out any cardiac complaint.
Chronic fatigue syndrome - It is caused by prolonged non stop working, stress. It manifests as fatigue, headache,
insomnia, poor concentration,
restlessness, generalised weakness, decreased hunger.
If you are having such type of symptoms, you can follow above mentioned tips and also follow few other tips
: Rest at home
: Do not skip meal
: Start
Yoga to relieve muscles and mental stress.
Hope it will help you. Still no relief, you can
consult doctor.
Thanks. Take care.
Dr Ishu Bishnoi.