Hello an thank you for using HCM. I carefully read your question and I got through your query.
A person might experience heart
palpitation for different rhythm issues.
A palpitation might be because of simple elevated
heart rate, because of an extra-systolik beat, from arrhythmia like atrial
fibrillation ect. All of this rhythm issues give symptoms like palpitation, an anxiety sensation, difficulties in breathing ect.
The reasons of this rhythm problems might be different from simple emotional stress to other pathologyes like anemia,
hyperthyroidism, valvular problems ect.
As you have the possibility to see a cardiologist i recommend you to make some simple examinations like a blood analyses, a electrocardiogram, echo-cardiography to see and evaluate this
heart murmur and a holter monitoring to see your rhythm tendency.
Your heart murmur might be a minimal or maximal valvular leakage, a congenital defect ect. So my opinion is that now is time to resolve all the mysteries of your heart, like this murmurs and your palpitations.
After doing and asking to your cardiologist all these you might be assure that this are nothing serious or treat them if it will be necessary
Hope i was helpful. Best regards.