Hello and thank you for using HCM.
I carefully read your question and i totally understand your concern. But you should not worry.
These skipped beats have to do with some electrical issues in the heart. Some electrical impulses that generate in a part of the heart different from normal sinusal rhythm cause a premature heart contraction that you feel like a skipped beat, because its not a normal one.
This extra-sistolik beats generally are followed by a
pause till the next normal heart contraction. If this are not frequent, in Young and normal heart, it is nothing to worry about.
There are different factors that might cause this skipped beats like emotional
stress, excessive coffee consumption , coca-cola or energy drinks, so you have to avoid them.
Pathology like
anemia or
hyperthyroidism might be other causes.
The pain in the neck, relived with changing position is not related whith the palpitations. It might be related to muscular or cervical problems.
So, if I was your treating doctor i would say that you have nothing to worry for the palpitations if this happen once a wile, its normal. As you say, they might just be related to stress. But if they begin to bother you and interfere in your live we can decide to do some examinations like a blood analyze, your thyroid hormones, an electrocardiogram, echo-cardiography and of course a holter rhythm monitoring to have a full view of your rhythm and the extra-sistolik beat frequencies.
Only than we can decide what we should do.
Hope I was helpful. Best regards.