16. 5ft6.
Hi about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago I started to get an itch down below, I masterbated the night before and woke up with either a discharge or something. After that day I washed thoroughly and made it kind of sore. Even though I washed it, it still smelled. I think smegma is coming from under the foreskin and making my penis smell after a day of washing it. I have this red rash of some kind on the glands, it goes down then comes back when I dry it. The itch has gone down and varies, I still get the smegma if that's what it is and the remains here and won't go even though I wash everyday. I don't want to go to the doctors. It doesnt hurt anymore unless I agrivate it. What do I do ? I have researched it and it comes up with balanitis, yeast infection ? Or is it just an irritation ?