My left side is very painful, it's under my ribs and into my back, it hurts to sit and drive my car or lie down, my dr did a CT scan and it came back okay, no kidney stones, I was hurting more internally but now the pain is hurting on the outside and very painful to touch or even bump up against something, I had a UTI but that is now cleared up. My Dr is not sure what it could be, I would like to see a specialist to see if they can help but I'm not sure what type to go to? Pain Managment, GI? I've had some heartburn along with this and at times feel nauseus, this is very painful and I'm unsure what to do at this point, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I wasn't sure if it could be my colon, or a hyatel hernia, possible even gallbladder, the urgency care did an xray of my lungs and didn't see any fractured ribs, and the only thing they found on the CT scan was that I had an umbilical hernia that I need to get taken of but that is not where my pain is located.