Good evening!
Here are a list of symptoms I've been suffering with for the past 4 months, symptoms of which some have become progressively worse so much so I am barely sleeping and am starting to feel very, very tired with living like this.
They do not necessary all happen simultaneously, example, at the moment I am merely fatiqued, aching in my limbs, a headache (feels like a migraine but it's lacking potency), stomach cramps and slight nausea. :)
They are also in no particular order, apologies!
Heartbeat in stomach, fast but not irregular
Barking cough
Stomach spasms
Stomach Cramps
Sleeping for 12-13 hours and still feeling unimaginably tired
Sleeping for 6-8 hours and still feeling unimaginably tired
Waking up feeling stiff
Low level lingering headache, all over
Blocked nose (left, although occasionally right)
Numb cheek (left)
Sore left shoulder
Sharp jaw pain (left)
Jaw ache (left)
Sharp pain in collar bone, under left breast
(Random sharp pains, right thigh, left calf, right jaw, left lower abdomen)
Muscle ache all over
Pins in needles back of hands BOTH
Tender skin on right knee, calf (deep inside a pain like the ache you get AFTER cramp)
Any advice what these things could MEAN would be a GREAT relief. I'm just struggling to get an appointment with my GP and need something tangible to rationalise on at the moment until I can see someone and get something done..
Thank you again!