Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. Your daughter is having headache with
nausea and
vomiting after
head injury which is a sign of dangerous head injury. It needs urgent evaluation. You must consult ER as soon as possible.
The doctor will evaluate her and may advise CT head to rule out skull
bone fracture or bleed or
brain edema. Only presence of skull bone fracture is usually managed by medical treatment. While brain bleed or edema which is causing pressure over brain may require surgery to relieve it. If no positive finding on CT, then you should not worry at all. She might be advised painkillers and ant-emetics.
In children, vomiting should never be taken lightly. Meanwhile at home, you should also observe her for other signs of dangerous head injury
: bleed through nose/ear/throat
: fits
: onset of new focal deficit
: persistent headache not relieving with medication
loss of consciousness for more than 5 minutes
: confusion, sleepiness, poor responsiveness
These signs mean urgent ER consultation.
At home, you can follow few tips
: Apply icepacks at injury site
: Keep her head at higher level than chest to relieve swelling and any brain edema
: In case of vomiting, turn head to side
: Avoid painkiller with sedation effects like opioids.
Hope it will help you.
Thanks. Take care.
Dr Ishu Bishnoi