Hi,Am 27yrs old mother of 2.5yrs old girl baby. After my delivery am having some pain on my left side hip + stomach joints during my periods. After my periods get over , it will go off. I just want to confirm whether its something serious or normal issue. My friends are saying it can be cyst or fibroid or something else.Before delivery I used to have very bad stomach pain, which is not seen now a days after delivery continuously. When I get pain, I generally take Spasmo Proxygon medicine. ALso I was 50 kgs before now I am 58kg..which I would like to reduce to 50 kg. I have little stomach and arm fatness are also there. SO I am regularly going to gym doing cardio and weight training exercises,for around 1month. I would like to know , can I reduce my 8kg excess with this. I am a vegetarian.