About two months ago I noticed a really tiny bump on my left breast and panicked. I ran to the local GP who checked it and reassured me that everything was fine. I didn''t calm down and went to another GP who assured me it was fine. Then i started thinking I have lymphoma or blood cancer and two months later I find mself googling everything I feel and I think I am really really sick. Some of the symptoms I have felt and still feel are: fatigue and lightheadedness (gone) depersonalisation (gone) derealisation (gone) pins and needles in limbs (gone) itching (gone) creepy crawly sensation (gone) insomnia ( still have that) bad nightmares (they have gotten less but they still take place) dry skin (still there) depression (especially so after i went off the pill) frequent urination (when nervous or in office) thirsty (when nervous or in office) lump in throat - globus hystericus (less but happens from time to time) sore chin and teeth (gone) three bruises on thigh (disappeared in a week) more campbell de morgan spots appearing on skin (doctor said it happens with age) nausea (in the morning or when depressed) mild headaches (sometimes) dry cough (could be acidity?) aches and pains in arm and leg joints (is this dangerous and these were worse before my periods) Pulse passing through legs (sometimes) I sometimes feel that i have a swollen neck gland but i got this checked by a doctor and nurse who both said that this isn't so.(generally i feel this symptom is gone) i do constant body checks (trying to do less of those as i don't know what i am looking for) I take my tempreture constantly (we are throwing away the thermometer) I generally have a low body tempreture (36.2 - 36.5) cold intolerance restlessness (still there) tearfulness (less so) Now I suffer from mainly low body temperature, joint aches and pains which started two weeks ago (sore kneeds, elbows, wrists), cold intolerance, dry mouth, frequent urination, insomnia and depression. The joint pains worry me as I have been googling a lot and some health websites say it could be cancer. However, I don't run a temperature, have had no body weight loss, no vomiting and no night sweats. I am worried about the joint pains what could be causing them. Should i get some tests done or find myself a good psychologist?