it happens when there is
nerve compression and any changes in
vertebral body get an
MRI done for your whole spine which will come out with more clearance till then use firm pillow and mattress and pillow height should be like your head should not sink into pillow telling you few treatment do and you will definitely feel better
:apply hot pack for 15 mins on neck area and back
:always take side turn while getting up from bed
:no forward bendings
:no heavy weight lifting
:for griping sit relax on chair keep ur elbow rest on arms of chair now make fist gently keeping your thumb inside touching the end line of little finger now press hold for 5 counts and then stretch your hands outward and hold for 5 counts repeat for 10 times and do sets
:second again make the fist the same way and rotate your wrist and hand clockwise and anticlockwise 5 countseach do 10 times and 3 sets
:third take a sponge ball and press the ball in hand for 10 counts to 5 times and 3 sets
:fourth try writing words on paper small alphabets.
:do shoulder shrugging and neck isometrics too
in gripping exercise do it thrice daily one in the morning one in evening and one at night when you go to bed.
these exercises will helps you alot.